Ghana Union is a welfare charity committed to serving the Ghanaian community in the UK & has been working hard to ensure that we are able to connect and keep the community informed.
We work in partnership with external agencies, community groups, governmental organisations & our Corporate members for the benefit of the community.
To find out out more about Ghana Union, please click 'About GU' below.
COVID-19 pandemic
Since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of the globe and our community, like so many others, has felt the wrath of this pandemic. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have directly and indirectly been affected by it.
Ghana Union has been collaborating with groups and our long time partner, WorldRemit, to support our community, at this time.
Ghanaian Community Awareness Forum ¦ FRIDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2021 @ 7pm
Please join Ghana Union as we collaborate with several commiunity groups to bring you the Ghanaian Community Awareness Forum.
The topic to be discussed is: Covid-19 and the vaccines: Facts and Myths
Join us online via Zoom, Facebook Live and Youtube searching for Ghanaian Community Awareness Forum

STAR Project
Giving our Youth and Young People a voice
STAR (which stands for Stand Together And Rise) Project is the youth and young people's division of Ghana Union.

Contact STAR Project
Contacting STAR Project
Email: starproject@ghanaunion.org.uk
Instagram: @starprojectghuk
Twitter: @starprojectghuk
Facebook: facebook.com/starproject.ghanaunionyouth