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Community Centre Appeal Fund

"What are we waiting for?"(Kwame Nkrumah, 25 May 1963, addressing African Heads of State at the OAU founding session)

The Ghanaian presence in the United Kingdom goes back a long way and will continue fa long way into the future. Ghana Union was established in 1979 (and registered as a charity in June 1980) by well-meaning Ghanaians and their friends to provide a focal point for the general welfare of Ghanaians. Around 1995, Ghana Union felt the need for a community centre to be a physical focal magnet for Ghanaians. They launched the Ghana Community Centre Appeal Fund with the hope of raising enough funds for the purpose.

The Vision

The vision is for the Ghanaian community to have a centre they can call their own and one they can be proud of. A large hall for public functions, indoor sports, several meeting rooms, a computer/ internet cafe, training rooms and offices. These are just some of the facilities that can be provided at the centre. We need your help to make a vision a reality.


Ghana Union is looking for investors in the scheme and should you be interested to speak to someone for further information, please contact

Ghanaian Women in Development (GWID)

Birth of GWID

One of the ideas discussed at Ghana Union Conference in 1997 was setting up a group to provide a forum to discuss issues of importance to women. A focus group was formed in September 1998 to take this idea forward. All Ghanaian women in the United Kingdom were legible to register their interest to participate in this women's group, and a first meeting was held at the Ghana Union offices in January 1999.

GWID Identity

Ghanaian Women in Development (GWID [formerly Ghanaian Women in Focus]) was thus established and members known as 'Adeshie'. The group designed its own logo and chose an identity/union cloth, 'Sika Wo Antabe', literally translated as 'Money has wings'.


Adeshie aimed to discuss issues pertaining to the interests of women and the family for quality life whilst promoting the Ghanaian culture. To implement this, we held quarterly meetings, organised events such as seminars on health issues, general wellbeing, ladies outings, picnics, barbeques, church services, etc. throughout the year. We had a publicity page in Amanie, the Ghana Union magazine, where we shared knowledge, made known our activities, forthcoming events and summaries of achievements. We also supported well and played a good role during events organised by the Ghana Union especially during the Annual Independence Dinner and Dance.


Adeshie achieved a sense of love, belonging, togetherness and support for members and our families, empowering us to cope with the stresses of life in the United Kingdom as immigrants.MembershipMembership of Adeshie is open to all members and non-members of Ghana Union and its corporate members. Anyone interested in becoming a member should apply through the Ghana Union office.

Ghana Senior Citizens

Coming Soon

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